Cruise of independence. A strange call for tenders for media services – Poland


Since May 20, Dar Młodzieży travels the world to commemorate the centenary of Polish independence. In social media, there are photos and videos of the cruise of independence. However, as discovered, some inaccuracies appear in the supply of media services for more than nine months.

An instant call for tenders

The call for tenders was announced on May 5, 15 days before the scheduled departure of the cruise. Potential bidders only had about ten days to prepare an offer covering almost a year of cruising. In addition, not only high quality films and photos were needed, but also experience in the implementation of marine materials and the ability to cooperate with the ship's crew. Therefore, for some photographers and operators, this would imply the need for additional training or certification. However, the Maritime Academy was planning to open bids after only 9 days from the start of the bidding call

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