Cuba Gooding Jr. accused of assaulting at the bar


Cuba's Gooding Jr. has been accused of having harassed a student in one of Manhattan's bars, the New York police said. Known actor incurs up to one year in prison

The actor was accused by a 29-year-old University of New York student of touching her breasts in one of the bars against her will. The 51-year-old actor himself appeared at Harlem's headquarters Thursday afternoon. After nearly three hours handcuffing, he was arrested. He did not plead guilty and was released a few hours later.

Jenna Long, of the county attorney's office, said that Gooding was charged with third-degree sexual assault, for which he could be sentenced to one year in prison.

The event was held Sunday night at the Rooftop Bar Magic Hour, in one of the upscale hotels located near Times Square.

According to law enforcement officials, the police confirmed the woman's testimony using video taps from the bar. The material shows an actor who is aggressively touching a woman.

Police said that a second investigation was also underway for Gooding. A few years ago, the man had harassed another woman who had decided to inform the investigators after reading information about the Sunday incident. However, it is not clear if, in the second case, the actor will hear the charges. According to New York law, this type of crime expires after two years.

Cuba Gooding Jr. won the Academy Award for best male role in the 1996 film Jerry Maguire. He was also nominated for the Golden Globes and Emmys.

Author: ft mtom
Source: The New York Times

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