Cuba Wojewódzki returned to Renulka? The couple played together on Opener!


  Kuba Wojewódzki and Renata Kaczoruk

Author: East News

Proof of having fun together, but disappeared from the network very quickly!

Kuba Wojewódzki and Renata Kaczoruk have been in a happy relationship for years. At least everyone thought so. The couple is willingly shown at parties and posed for photos. Some time ago, however, information showed that Wojewódzki and Kaczoruk are no longer a couple.

Recently, however, information seems to indicate that the couple returned. Kuba Wojewódzki and Renata Kaczoruk performed together at the Opener Festival in Gdynia. At InstaStory, a friend of the "family" even appeared a photo documenting the fun together, but the picture soon appeared, so fast Internet was removed.

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Of course neither Wojewódzki nor Kaczoruk comment on this information in any way . Do you think that after a short break, the couple came to the conclusion that he can not live without himself? Let me know!

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