Cyanobacteria on the Polish coast ruin people for holidays


Those tourists who are angry and disappointed at the Baltic Sea. – Nothing can replace swimming in the Baltic Sea. But we have to organize the weather differently, maybe we'll visit the pubs with the family – says Aneta Chrobak (35), a tourist from the province.

The owners rented their premises.
– I rent an apartment and unfortunately, by cyanobacteria, I lost customers – the anonymous owner of an apartment in the center of Gdansk tells us anonymously. – A family with two young children canceled their reservation because they wanted to rest on the beach

Cyanobacteria blooming started near Dębek near Puck, moving gradually towards Tri-City. In Gdansk Bay on Friday, it was a little better – you could take a bath in Sopot and on the island of Sobieszewska. As the synoptics say, the forecasts leave no illusions. Getting rid of cyanobacteria for good will not be so easy!

– The high temperature is favorable for cyanobacteria, the wind that is currently pushing them towards the shore is favorable, says Grzegorz Gumiński, a synoptician from the PRO-GEM projections office in Gdynia. – Cooling can come only around the next weekend.


Pollution by groundwater, ship-generated wastes and spectrum on the bottom of the net. Unfortunately, all this affects the state of the waters of the Baltic Sea. Environmentalists sound the alarm – the basin is in a deplorable state, and life is dying here.

The Baltic Sea is poorly salty, shallow and semi-open. Unfortunately, this situation seriously affects the exchange of its waters – this process of exchange with the North Sea takes even … 30 years! Therefore, any pollution coming here, instead of going further, accumulates in our tank.

– Broken fishing nets that drift, fish and marine mammals are a big problem – says Sebastian Kobus of the environmental organization WWF Poland. – These remains also emit microparticles of plastic that pollute the water and affect the state of the fish

. Drops from the ships are also important and, as ecologists stress, it is difficult to prevent or convict them. When pollution is found, the ship may have been outside the waters of our sea for a long time. The Baltic Sea is also ruining agricultural pollution. It is thanks to the nitrogen or phosphorus unions that the water becomes "fertile". And it's a paradise for blue-green algae, they are not as big as the bacteria that break them down: they take oxygen and turn into vast anaerobic deserts. There is no chance of living in such places, unfortunately it will be even worse – the forecasts are cruel, the climate warms up and soon the cyanobacteria will be like the daily bread in summer

Why not get into the sea when cyanobacteria find it? 19659002] Are you pissed at the pool? It's toxic!

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