Człuchów: the ambulances have returned to the city. Rescuers have negotiated 120 hours of paid leave


Człuchów Medical Rescuers get along with the management. From 18 hours, the ambulances leave again for the sick.

  Człuchów was left without an ambulance

Człuchów remained without an ambulance (WP.PL)


On 1 July, three specialized ambulances were transformed into basic ambulances, that is to say without a doctor. There are only paramedics. The patient's responsibility lies with them

The rescuers – as the GT has learned – in early June, have asked management to change their contracts because of the new situation. – We do not work full time, only on contracts. Each of us has a business and concludes a contract with the hospital – the rescuers of Człuchów tell us


The problem is that the contracts were only concluded for half a year. To make matters worse, they did not include paid holidays and, so as not to be hidden, they were quoted at relatively low amounts.

– We fought to be even better paid and concluded for at least two years – let's say saviors WP

Management responded to the letter from the rescuers that at the end of June, when the agreements with them were coming to an end. After a series of discussions, we managed to negotiate and sign an agreement. Unfortunately, it turned out that the hospital authorities were in no hurry to implement it


– Almost every day we inquired about our contracts. It was June, July started and we still did not have them. We worked in black. However, we hoped that the director would not break the deal – the rescuers say.

It turned out, however, that management did not intend to keep the contract. Rescuers were informed that he was unable to respond to their requests


– We could not continue working without a contract. If anything happened then, we would be responsible for it. No insurer would pay us compensation if there was even a collision. So we passed the equipment and informed the Emergency Notification Center that we can not continue to provide services – say WP

. Information about Człuchów and about 50,000 The inhabitants of the Człuchów district found themselves without an ambulance and reached the Voivode. The phone calls started.

– From the age of 18, we go back to the sick. We have signed contracts for two years. We also managed to negotiate 120 hours of paid leave under the contract – our interlocutors are happy.

120 hours is 10 days off a year


On the weekend in Człuchów will take place the Polish motocross championship. They could be canceled if there were no ambulances.

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