Dariusz Szpakowski on his future: He will have to thank and ask the microphone


  Dariusz Szpakowski

Author: East News
Dariusz Szpakowski

It's hard to imagine big football events without comment from Dariusz Szpakowski. The World Championship in Russia is for him the 11th World Cup in which he works. Polish television journalist, despite the passing years, remains one of the best Polish commentators. In the last interview he revealed his plans for the future

Szpakowski has already gone to the legend of Polish journalism. During his long career, he commented on many sporting events. In addition to the World Cup, he has also been happy to observe closely other major events, with the Olympic Games at the forefront. For many supporters, the matches of the national team and his voice are inseparable.

Time is running out and the TVP journalist is about to finish his career. Even before the World Cup, TVP Sport director Marek Szkolnikowski spoke about it. – The career of Dariusz Szpakowski will end sooner than expected – was predicted by Szkolnikowski

On the subject of completing his long adventure with commentaries, Szpakowski commented on the sport.onet.pl portal. – This is my 11th World Cup in my career. In Russia is my friend from England, who has the same championship on account. We wish it at 12. But how will it be? Time will tell us. Four years is a long time, it is difficult to say what life will write. For the moment, I feel good, but it is clear that a moment will come when you will have to thank and ask the microphone – said a reporter

. the best of history. – In Russia, fantastic matches are played, and besides, we are seeing farewells from the stars, like Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi and Andres Iniesta. I think a lot of interesting things are waiting for us – Szpakowski said.

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