Dawid Podsiadło at the Open Festival 2018: Our national good (report, photos)


I do not exaggerate a bit when I write that Dawid Podsiadło is currently the most popular and appreciated artist in Poland. We should breathe and breathe on such a creator, but I have a better idea – it's best to give him some peace and see how he surprises us once again.

Dawid Podsiadło waves the audience of Gdynia and enchants her with new versions of her hits

Dawid Podsiadło singer, songwriter, music creator, star large festivals and small concerts, esteemed by both Open participants and those who watch Opole. To mention how David connects distant environments, I could still be long.

It is hardly surprising that all his artistic movement is commented on television, radio and the Internet. The dire headlines thundered at the end of 2016 that Podsiadło ended his career that he was fed up with, as he never felt that he needed to take a break before he come back with a double force.

Anyway, was this break intense enough? I would say it was an extremely busy time. Collaboration with Sokoł Mesem Julia of Pietrucha participation in the project T.Cover – it has a little.

Such Podsiadło cooperations undoubtedly expanded his musical horizons and he was seen at a concert at Open & # 39; er, where he could play without new material, but he dressed his well-known songs in very fresh and intriguing arrangements.

More or less significant changes have affected almost all the repertoire of the concert. Even successes like "Pastempomat", "Stranger" and "Triangles and squares" were not defended against them (David's first hit was completely messed up). I am glad that such a talented musician is looking for non-obvious solutions for his most popular songs, as she did Brodka at the premiere of the album " clashes ".

Changes will be needed for another more pragmatic reason – a setlist should contain new songs from the album Podsiadła announced, expected to appear in autumn. It is already possible to suspect that we will be dealing with a bestseller, and the singles will be tortured by the radio stations (as mentioned also by the creator himself) for weeks.

"Provincial" at Open & # 39; er has created a sensation and can easily compete with "In a good direction" for the title of the greatest success of the singer. Podsiadło also presented the first new song with the working title "Ballad". She passed the exam in concert, now she has to wait for the studio version.

In addition to the well-known songs of his repertoire, Podsiadło also made a cover of the song T. Love "God", recorded as part of the project mentioned T. Cover.

As in the case of Podsiadło, there were also funny and slightly absurd announcements of songs. If you liked how Dawid grew Kuba Wojewódzki on TVN, then his monologues during the live game would please you too.

A refusal story of a girl who was threatening the singer that he would write on Facebook ("I refused 200 people, I thought – no one would come"), laughing at his own skills of keyboard ("He perfectly masters two chords until the autumn") and the confession that he was never so tired, even though he danced a Once at the wedding, it ended with laughter among the audience. The clumsy response to the iconic question – "Do you know the night?"

The concert at Open & # 39; er lasted a little over an hour and it seems like it was just a very tasty appetizer before the real main course, and it will be the performances of David as part of his "Provincial" tour. A good concert in Gdynia could not be a better advertisement and a harbinger of what Podsiadło is currently working on. The 25-year-old has been playing in his own league for a long time, and his next artistic steps only confirm that. So what's left for us? Rent, listen and book tickets for the fall.

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