Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Gdańsk Jakub Stelina has resigned – Magisteres / Students


The Council of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Gdańsk University has adopted a resolution on acts threatening the norms of a democratic state governed by law. The vote took place despite the fact that the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration, prof. dr hab. Jakub Stelina. The Dean has resigned – says Dziennik Bałtycki.

The vote on the resolution took place on Monday. Twenty-seven members of the Council of the Faculty (about 2/3 of the voters) voted in favor, against: 11, 3 members of the Council abstained from voting.

In the resolution, the Faculty Council opposes "actions taken by the legislative and executive authorities of the Republic of Poland since 2015, jeopardizing the standards of a democratic state led by various national institutions and independent international organizations (…) ".

The resolution emphasized that the opposition was apolitical. – We are guided only by the fact that the organs of State power, irrespective of who performs their duties, have at all times the duty to respect the principle of the democratic rule of law, and the university at all times, regardless of the political forces represented in the organs public power, it is obliged to fulfill the statutory task mentioned above – you read.

"Dziennik Bałtycki" recalls that the prof. dr hab. Jakub Stelina, who resigned, graduated in 1993 from the Faculty of Law and Administration of Gdańsk University. In 1999, he obtained the doctorate in legal sciences from the faculty. His promoter was prof. Lech Kaczyński.

Read also: Lech Kaczyński was my promoter – Stelina explains how he became a lawyer


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