Declaration of the Supreme Court of Stanisław Zabocki – Sdziów and Sieda


I will not credit these honors to my advocacy work, which I will meet in the press of the last days and as today (legend of the opposition, etc.) – writes in the edition of Sdu Najwyszego published Monday, Stanisław Zabocki.

Recall that on Thursday the National Council of Religious Affairs issued a negative opinion on the request of Stanisław Zabocki concerning the will to continue to rule in the Supreme Court. Negative opinions were also received by six other Jews, including Jzef Iwulski, who is now replacing the first president of the Supreme Court

See also: Opinion of the Supreme Court Judiciary, which ended 65 years

. I do not ask the president of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court in the program "Kropka nad i" on TVN 24.

The newspaper "Fakt" in the article "Law and Justice throws the legends of the Opposition "recalls Zabocki to defend the victim of martial law in the past; as a rotating commander of the town of Witold Pilecki.

Gos Zabocki will take care of his past on Monday. He reminds us that during martial law and the democratic transition of 1989/1990, he was a lawyer. The Supreme Court Judge was in April 1991.

– During my legal work, I try to behave in a way that is supposed to be obsequious people and deserving lawyers – stressed Zabocki. – It is true that the weapons in several processes that can be described as political and in each of them – in my opinion – do all that the lawyer of the person represented will do. They were the defense mainly for students and fashion specialists of my alma mater, Warsaw University, repressed for opposition activities – explanations

At the same time Zabocki points out: – Without false modesty, I do not want to honor that I will meet in the press of the last days and definitions such as those of today (legend of the opposition, etc.)

The president of Criminal Chamber SN refers to the defense of Captain Witold Pilecki. representation in the process of rehabilitation, which takes place in 1990 by the Chambers of the Supreme Military Court, Heroic Captain Witold Pilecki, as I write elsewhere, I do not know what I will give myself honor that the son and daughter of your captain decide to give me penitentiary and this is the first circuit established, but I would like to add that in the next phase of the process, apart from me, there were two other defenses. cw, and these are the bosses Andrzej Grabiski and Piotr ukasz Andrzejewski. The Register of the National Court examines the judgments of the supreme courts of the disposition to judge after having passed the age of 65, when, following the last amendment, it has their opinion before the decision of the President

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