Defeat of the prosecutor's office regarding the former head of Altus


The prosecutor's office implements the court's decision to replace
custody of suspects with a property guarantee – she said
a spokeswoman for the regional prosecutor's office asked if the issue remained unresolved
arrest of Altus TFI board members Piotr Osiecki and Jakub Ryba.

Previously, the prosecutor's office did not accept bail because he asked
suspension of the enforceability of the court's decision to release the arrested persons. court
however, the application was rejected.

Spokesperson of the Warsaw Regional Prosecutor's Office, proclaim Agata
Zabłocka-Konopka in an interview with PAP on Tuesday afternoon assured that
"the prosecutor's office implements court decisions concerning the change of funds
preventive measures in the form of pre-trial detention of both
suspects for a property warranty based on their content ".

The proxies of the two former members of Altus TFI's Board of Directors have been arrested.
wishing to provide the prosecutor with guarantees on the property, in conjunction with
Monday decision of the Warsaw District Court.

Plenipotentiary of Piotr Osiecki Katarzyna Szwarc informed
journalists that she could not do it because she did not have the right to
the seat of the prosecutor's office.

In the afternoon, it turned out that the prosecutor's office asked
suspension of the enforceability of the decision to release the prisoner of Oskii and

"The regional prosecutor's office in Warsaw has filed complaints about
decision of the Warsaw District Court of 26 November 2018
extension of the application of pretrial detention to the suspect
Piotr O. and Jakub R., as part of the modification reserve for the indicated measure
preventive measure in case of financial security "-
it adopted the Zabłock-Konopka proclamation early in the afternoon of the PAP.

After a while, the representative of Oskii, in his opinion,
the complaint did not justify the acceptance of the surety,
she informed that the District Court had not considered the prosecutor's request. find
because he has not provided any new evidence that
they would make you stop the decision to free Osiecki and Pisces.

On Monday, the same court ruled that Piotr Osiecki, the former head of Altus
TFI and former Altus TFI board member Jakub Ryba can leave the arrest
property warranty.

In the case of Osiecki, this was a record financial guarantee – in
108 million zlotys. Bail, as the Plenipotentiary has said
Osiecki, "presented by natural and legal persons". In the case of Pisces
the deposit was 1 million zlotys.

Those arrested must leave the detention center on 29 November, the date of their detention.

The prosecutor's office sought to extend the detention for another three months.
However, the court acknowledged how it informed journalists on Monday
during the closed trial, lawyer Szwarc, that "you can not settle on
today, it is likely that at the date of the transaction
(between Altaus and GetBack – PAP) the value of the company EGB was significant
underestimated and that an assessment must be made in this area by
prosecutor's office ordered. "

"In the court's opinion, this does not justify the insulating use
a preventive measure and a measure in the form is sufficient
the proposed recording in the history of Polish justice
bail "- she said.

The case is related to the investigation on GetBack.

Former Altus TFI board members have been charged with inflicting injuries
property damage caused to GetBack. The prosecutor's office accuses the former president and later
the chairman of the board of Altus TFI Piotr Osiecki and former member
the management of Jakub Ryba, that between October 2016 and the beginning
August 2017, they caused Getback about 160 million PLN of losses, in
in connection with the sale of GetBack to EGB Investment
more than 207 million PLN. According to prosecutors, its value did not exceed 47
Millions of PLN, and men, selling it to GetBack, were aware of the reality
value of the lower society and acted with other people for
financial gain.

Both are among the 20 people detained in the GetBack case. The Altus leaders were arrested on August 31 and arrested.

GetBack is working on the case, appointed by the national prosecutor
Bogdana Święczkowskiego Department I investigation team on crime
public relations in Warsaw and agents of the CBA. Until mid-September in the investigation
More than 70 people were interviewed, including KNF officials and company employees.
GetBack, property belonging to the suspects have been disclosed and secured
the total value of nearly 80 million PLN and nearly 200 volumes of files –
70 files. By mid-September, there were approximately 10,000 creditors

The main suspect in this case is held by the CBA on
Warsaw airport after his return from Israel, the former president of GetBack Konrad K.
He was charged, among other attempts of fraud of 250 million zlotys, causing damage
damage to the business in large sizes – at least more than 185
Million PLN GetBack and undertake activities to make the task difficult
criminal procedures and to avoid criminal liability.

GetBack Company deals with receivables management. It was founded in
2012 and July 2017, his shares made their debut on the stock market
Valuables in Warsaw as part of the first offer

In April, the WSE suspended the trading of GetBack shares at the request of KNF.
It happened after the company announced on April 16 that it was running
negotiations with PKO BP and the Polish Development Fund on financing
loans and investments up to 250 million zlotys.
The announcement of the company showed that the information was accepted "with everyone
"parties involved" "in the meantime, PKO BP and PFR have denied any information,
that they have such conversations. This triggered KNF's reaction. As a result, advice
The GetBack Supervisory Board has canceled Konrad K. z with immediate effect
the position of the president of the company.

The KNF accused the former management of the company of conducting operations
financial statements to avoid the actual valuation of assets held
by the company's debt portfolios. (PAP)

author: Piotr Śmiłowicz, Mateusz Mikowski

pS / mm / I /

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