Delights on Marcin Bułka. Chelsea fans claim a Pole in the team


The 18-year-old Pole played two friendlies in Chelsea. From Perth Glory (1: 0), he had no job, but with Inter, he showed himself very well. He did not score, and Willy Caballero, just after entering the field, dropped the goal center. This is not the first mistake of the Argentinean lately, so Chelsea fans in social media have started to claim the Pole in the "position" of goalkeeper number 2.

"He is a pity that Bułka only plays 45 minutes. " "There is a bright future ahead of Bulla, and we can not count on Caballero." Now, "Polka is our second choice for the purpose", "The bun quickly shows what he can do." It should still be checked, but if Thiabut instead, it will not be a bad option at all "- these are just a few comments from Chelsea supporters after the clash with Inter.

Marcin Bułka himself, on his Twitter, said that he was just playing the next match at Chelsea and that he was happy with the win (after the penalties – ed.)

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