Demonstration at the presidential palace under the MV law


Yesterday at 6:30 pm in front of the presidential palace of the opponents of the changes in the judicial system together; they had Polish and European flags and flags with them. On Krakowskie Przedmiescie stood a scene where representatives of parties and non-governmental organizations spoke to the gathered. The demonstration was convened by the Razem party

– We are still like in the streets last year, to say that we do not accept what the law and justice do with the Polish legal dimension and what she wants to do with the elections. We are here to say to President Andrzej Duda that we want a veto! – stressed Hanna Gospodarczyk of the Razem party. – There is no democracy holiday for us. The Sejm and the Senate can vote on these barbaric laws at night, but we do not agree, "she added.

Speaking of the election, Gospodarczyk also referred to Amendment of the Electoral Code In elections to the European Parliament, each constituency is allocated a specific number – at least three – elected deputies (currently, there are no elected deputies in a specific district). ), according to a proportional system in which votes are cast on

Piotr Szumlewicz, of the Alliance of Polish Trade Unions, called the Presidential Palace "to work the people" to participate in the protests. a year ago, I said that we had no more law in Poland.The Constitutional Court was replaced by a party court, the public service became the service of the president, the public media are a stupid government propaganda – at- he said he called the situation in the country a "coup d'etat". – The constitution archives are clear! The president of the court has a six-year term and the judges are irremovable! Mr. Speaker, you are a lawyer! You know that it breaks the constitution, you can not! – Szumlewicz appealed

– we are united by the belief that free Poland is a diverse and democratic Poland, a Poland that you do not have to fear that a prudent and prudent prosecutor will come and strike at your door, then it will be a case in a court of confidence, obsequious to the Minister of Justice. We do not want to live in a country where the courts are used for special interests – said Paulina Piechna-Więckiewicz, adviser to the capital (Initiative Poland).

Adrian Zandberg of the Razem party argued that "PiS wants to get rid of an independent institution he is the only one who controls what they do (…) It's a big real threat , it is the Supreme Court that keeps free and fair elections, checks whether the parties are legally funded, so the Supreme Court can not be controlled by any political party .There is too much temptation, we do not have let's not give up free elections, we want a veto, "he said

.Separates of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland were also read.All 21 protesters began to diverge. went to the Supreme Court

.The protest was convened in connection with the adoption by the Sejm on Friday and Senate support on the amendments from Tuesday to Wednesday, including about the Supreme Court, the system Judicial Committee, the National Council of Magistracy and the It provides, inter alia, that the SN General Assembly will select and present to the President candidates for the first President of the Supreme Court immediately after filling 2/3 of the SN judges, and not – as currently prescribes the provision – that almost all positions are filled

According to the explanatory memorandum of the law, "the amendments to the law on the National Council of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court Act are aimed mainly at to improve the procedure for appointment to the post of judge, including Judge SN ". As noted, the changes include for the exclusion of obstruction measures taken before the National Register of Supreme Court Appointment Procedures

Now the bill will be signed by the President.


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