Dems lash Trump's team for failing to hold North Korea briefing


  Bob Menendez is photographed. | Getty "title =" Bob Menendez is photographed. | Getty "/> </source></source></source></source></picture>
                " We asked the secretary [of State Mike] Pompeo to come and explain the Trump administration's strategy on North Korea for a long time, "said Sen. Bob Menendez, the main Democrat of the Committee foreign relations .through a spokesman. | Alex Wong / Getty Images </p>
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Senate Democrats are frustrated that the administration has still not planned a classified briefing on Trump's nuclear talks with Kim Jong Un.

Even though Senate Democrats remain furious with President Donald Trump's Russian strategy, their frustration has only come to a standstill. aggravate with regard to the other world hotspot: North Korea.

The Trump administration has not yet held any senators about the June 12 summit with the leader North Korean Kim Jong Un, despite weeks of efforts to get something planned, according to an informed source on the talks

is ready to testify next week at the Foreign Relations Committee on Trump's meetings in Russia and North Korea, Democrats are exasperated by the refusal of the Administration to set a date for the classified briefing p

"We are asking the secretary Pompeo to come and explain the Trump administration's strategy on North Korea for a long time, and they have not not provided the necessary briefings or hearings to the Senate or Senate. Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Menendez, said through a spokesman that New Jersey Democrat President Bob Menendez said the Pompeo Electoral Commission meeting would be a forum for Democrats. But this testimony would come six weeks after Trump sat down with Kim, and the Democrats want more than a single hearing to dig up what was – or not – accomplished at the meeting. North Korea has followed the extraordinary summit by blowing up the administration's arguments in favor of denuclearization

John Cornyn (R-Texas), Senate majority whip, suggests Democrats "start with the secretary" testifying next week in the foreign relations panel "and see what they might reasonably want ".

Corker (R-Tenn.) Stated that even though "we were hoping to have a classified briefing first, the Pompeo public hearing next week will suffice for the moment as the North Korean private meeting for all Senators stay in the air.

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said that while she has access to confidential material regarding North Korea by sitting on the intelligence committee, "I think it would always be helpful to have the briefing. "

The Trump administration briefing sessions for large groups of lawmakers who touched North Korea in April and August of last year, during the tenure of Rex Tillerson at summit of the State Department. One of the obstacles to organizing such an appointment about the Trump-Kim meeting seems to be the intense travel program that Pompeo has undertaken since its confirmation in April.

Heather Nauert, State Senators Spokesperson on recent trips to Japan, Vietnam, Afghanistan, the United Arab Emirates and the recent NATO Summit in Brussels – in addition of the status of North Korea.

Nauert acknowledged that senators would also have questions. President Vladimir Putin suggested that next week's hearing would respond to Pompeo's request for information and lawmakers. "It's actually this meeting," she said.

A White House spokesman asked if the briefing was to take place in the State Department.

Democrats are sure to rely on the assumption that next week's hearing checks out the box to inform Congress about the talks in North Korea. Given the limited time that senators from both parties have on a single committee to question Pompeo about a plethora of foreign policy incursions to Trump, they want more clarity.

Sen. Cory Booker (DN.J.), a member of the External Relations Panel, said he was "irritated" by the failure of the administration to explain in more detail his approach to the ongoing talks in North Korea, which Trump previously described as "attitude".

"There is no plan, there are no objectives, no timetable, there is no verification," said Booker in a statement. an interview

. "From a continuous conversation in a classified setting beyond the hearing of next week.

" It would be helpful for all 100 senators to get answers on Singapore, and what's going on? went to Helsinki, and what he thinks with his pricing policy that takes us away from our allies, "said Mr. Coons." They're all connected. "

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