Did you buy a vacation through these sites? You can be a victim of a scam!


The Znajownik.pl portal reported that last month Wakacje.pl customers received e-mails in which they were asked to pay for their vacations, which amounted to fraud and financial losses. It seemed that the case was closed and that it was going to end, but it turns out that it is still valid, and moreover, it also concerns the customers of another service of this type.

The case concerning the site Wakacje.pl described by niebezpiecznik.pl was to end with the fact that one of the employees of the company that had been the object of a disciplinary measure was guilty of fraud. It turns out, however, that site customers are still receiving emails requesting additional payment for the vacations purchased, and moreover – Travelplanet.pl customers have also started receiving them!

Have you bought a vacation online? You can be a victim of fraud!

Portal specialists who describe the case do not rule out the possibility that similar emails will also reach customers at other similar sites; they also point out that false messages are perfectly fake and easily deceived.

Messages that send scammers contain:

  • payment request for purchased trip
  • data for transfer
  • polite information

It's easy to get bogged down because fraudsters have access to customers' personal data and information about the trips that they bought!

As the link to the payment is often received in real news, the reader of the Danger asked for it, but he received the answer that the card payment is currently impossible due to the modernization work and that the only option available is a bank transfer. For prevention, the rogue offers a 10% discount.

How not to be deceived?

If you purchased a trip on any of these types of portals, first pay attention to which email address you are receiving messages from. Scams of cheaters are sent from various addresses, for example service [@] doplaty-travelplanet.pl . Travelplanet.pl warns its customers that all messages sent by the company are sent from the address serwis [@] travelplanet.pl . In turn, Wakacje.pl service customers receive all correspondence from the company only from the address customer [@] wakacje.pl

If you received a message that the service would have sent to you but was sent from a different email address, try to fool yourself.

If you are afraid of being a victim of fraud, you can always contact your company by phone if you receive (allegedly) a message from him. Under the official number provided on the company's website, you will check if you really need to make a supplement, and if so, for which account number.

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