Divide society by a wall was hated and is a deliberate procedure


An interview with Jaroslaw Kaczyski published in "Gazeta Polska" sounds like a conversation with an expert, not a politician. Katarzyna Gójska and Tomasz Sakiewicz ask the President of PiS why, unlike the previous ones, the next elections to the European Parliament are so important that the emotions that accompany the campaign will affect the turnout, if Russia is able to create in the structures of the EU's political strength and the extent of its influence on Union and how it assesses relations between Poland and the United States.

The president is trying to mobilize PiS voters before Sunday. According to the interviewer, based on the current elections to the European Parliament, it can be assumed that the European Coalition will have more ease, as its supporters are more interested in these elections than supporters of PiS.

– That's right – admits Kaczyński. Therefore, "wherever he is, he says and asks: you must go to elections, you must vote." – You can not say that these choices will not change anything. They can change. They can even hinder the chances of continuing good change in our country. So, a lot depends on the mobilization of our supporters. If they vote more than before, we have a chance to win – the president applauds. In addition, the cover is entitled "Defending democracy, going to elections".

Kaczyński: They do not vote for us because we are PiS

– Please, see that when we ask the Poles to evaluate our specific political decisions, a large part of society receives them positively, and sometimes even enthusiastically. In a word, people are satisfied with what we do in Poland, the way we govern. But at the same time, many satisfied people do not want to vote for us – says Kaczyński, believing that it can be irrational.

– Since they support our policy, they should support us. However, this does not happen because of the hatred of our training built for years – very effectively. Some voters do not want to vote for us just because we are PiS and I, Jarosław Kaczyński. From this point of view, the strategy of building a wall of hate has borne fruit, said the president of PiS.

Kaczyński: The goal of PO and KO is the elimination of democracy

Kaczyński talks a lot about political divisions and opponents. The journalists ask him "if the construction of hatred is a strategy of action today." – In my opinion, it's like that. Divide society with a wall of hatred was and remains a deliberate exercise, conducted in cold blood in the name of a specific political goal – the leader of the ruling party responds. To the question that he specifies, it is simply "to maintain the power".

The PO and the Kaczyński Civic Coalition have a clear goal, namely "the liquidation of democracy and the rule of law" (as evidenced by "the announcement to punish deputies for having voted "), giving them a" glimpse of the introduction of anarchy ".

Kaczyński in Tusk: he did not accept his defeat

"These people," as President PiS calls political opponents, "are not able to emotionally accept the loss of elections". – Donald Tusk failed to accept his defeat in 2005. The emotional state accompanying this process seems to determine his activity so far – he's diagnosing it. – One who has a memory knows that the current atmosphere in our country – divisions, hate – is the work of this man.

Whatever the case may be, according to Kaczyński, if the European Coalition loses or "some components of this conglomerate will receive little or too little compared to their expectations", "maybe the coalition will begin to degrade": rupture was the Russian Federation inside the USSR.

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