"Do the damages caused by the families of Warsaw require thanksgiving or rather propitiation?"


Prayer and celebration of the liturgy for all men, not to mention sinners, misguiders and those responsible for the public scandal, are good and evident in the ministry of the Church. That is why, given the series of events that have unfolded during the last twelve years under the reign of Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz in the capital, it would be natural for your Eminence to say a Mass of Grace at the end of it.

– writes Robert Winnicki (National Movement) in an open letter to Metropolitan Warsaw Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz.

Recently, the Metropolitan Warsaw Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz celebrated the intention of the Sisters of the Church of the Sisters … Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, thanking her for her presidency in the capital! Hierarcha praised her for "friendship with God and the Church"!

READ ALSO: Cardinal Nycz thanks … Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz: "The President has always been a friend of God and of the Church."

This information has provoked the indignation of those who do not forget the wrongs suffered by the victims of the wild reprivatisation of Warsaw.

READ ALSO: Card. Nycz celebrated Mass and thanked Gronkiewicz-Waltz. The publicist rightly asks: The daughter of Jolanta Brzeska was invited?

His letter to the Metropolitan of Warsaw was sent by a Member of Parliament and President of the National Movement, Robert Winnicki, who stated unequivocally that "the scandal is widespread".

Your Eminence! As a faithful believer in the Catholic Church and at the same time as a politician whose faith compels me to testify to the truth in public life and to build a Christian social order, I received with astonishment and scandal the on the intention of the mass celebrated last Sunday by the cardinal in the church of the visiting sisters and the content of the sermon during liturgy

– begins his policy letter.

Prayer and celebration of the liturgy for all men, not to mention sinners, misguiders and those responsible for the public scandal, are good and evident in the ministry of the Church. That is why, given the series of events that have unfolded during the last twelve years under the reign of Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz in the capital, it would be natural for your Eminence to say a Mass of Grace at the end of it.

– he said.

The president of the National Movement recalls that it was under the reign of Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz that the institutions that presented themselves at the Warsaw mayor city displayed blasphemous performances: Golgotha ​​Picnic and Klątwa, and she did not taken no action in this regard. As the member points out, she is also responsible for the installation and the ongoing reconstruction of the rainbow on the square in front of the Saint-Sauveur Church. In addition, it was the president of the capital who exempted the prof. Bogdan Chazan from the post of director of St. Familles Hospital for his consistent attitude in the defense of the designed life.

The measures taken by the former president of the capital against prof. Does Chazana require thanksgiving or propitiation?

– Winnicki asks.

This question should also be asked in the context of the thousands of people injured during the so-called wild reprivatisation, which took place at the town hall at the time when he was "under the direction" of Hanna Gronkiewicz- Waltz. For which the president may not be held criminally responsible, but he is already responsible for political responsibility. Does the harm to thousands of Warsaw families and large-scale thieves require thanksgiving or rather propitiation?

– he added.

According to Winnicki, the Mass was celebrated by the Cardinal Nycza's Thanksgiving Mass "has become a cause for confusion, doubt and scandal among many believers". He also stressed that the cause of worry were the words of the Metropolitan, among others on "friendship with God and the Church" Gronkiewicz-Waltz.

In his actions as the authority of the city, there was no defense of faith and application of the principles of Catholic social teaching.

– States

Your Eminence, I turn to all these doubts in public, because the scandal is widespread. Living in a world of dictatorship of relativism raging, we Catholics must be particularly vigilant and resist its whispers. I hope this letter will help us all clearly and courageously to meet the challenges of modern times. Give us Christ!

– Robert Winnicki, MP, ends his open letter.

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