Doda and Rozenek at a party at the Embassy of the United States


The annual US barbecue organized by the US Embassy on the occasion of Independence Day is an opportunity to stand out among the artists, celebrities, women and men. politicians, as well as the opportunity to make new friends. Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan and her husband Radosław Majdan, as well as Dorota Rabczewska-Stępień and her beloved Emil Stępień were among the guests of this year.

Doda – mourning after the death of his beloved grandmother – chose a long black dress. "My husband forbade me to sit at home, thanks to which I met the American ambassador, Paul W. Jones and his wife," Dorota writes (original spelling) . Doda stopped playing for a moment, and there was no smile on her face either. You can see that it's hard. Emil did not leave.

On the other hand, Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan and her husband, published on Instagram, seemed radiant and happy. They smiled and played well. According to the accounts of those who are on the scene, it seems that both women have avoided being like a fire. And Maidan passing by Dody did not even greet her.

Dorota Chotecka in a bikini

Lenska after brain surgery changed her hairstyle


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