Doda does not regret that Rozenek was unmasked! "Women in white gloves …"


Dorota Rabczewska-Stępień (34 l.) A few months ago, a real storm fell on the Internet. The singer emphasizes that she does not regret her attack on Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan (age unknown) and her stylist …

In April of this year, we wrote about the great war for a stylist, who was discussed by the current and former wife of Majdan.

One of the newspapers reported that Rabczewska wanted to start working with a stylist who had previously dressed Małgonia.

However, when the last Mrs. Majdan learned it, she forbade him to contact Doda (we wrote about it RIGHT HERE).

Irritated Rabczewska has published private MMS on the Web.

"I do not really care about the ones my stylists paint or paint." Rozenek has been using my hairdresser for a while and I am not free to inhibit their professional development and put their own prejudices above their earning potential.

After all, this behavior is childish. And if I want to have someone of an exclusive, I sign a contract and I have peace "- she complains of Instagram Doda.

It has been said that the scandal hurt the stylist the most. Doda, however, does not regret having published private information. Ultimately,

"I do not regret it at all." I explained how women wearing white gloves threw logs under their feet. I believe that such things must be shown "- she confessed during an interview with the portal

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