Dominik Tarczyński strolled. The cursed soldier has turned out to be Iggy Pop


D rzyik Tarczyński is the victim of the unrefined joke of the surfer. MP Law and Justice wanted to investigate the alleged victim of the Internal Security Corps: Ignacy Popkowski. It turned out that he was out walking, and the boy allegedly shot was no other than the rock legend – Iggy Pop.

Zbigniew Gryglas, PiS MP, posted on Twitter the entry for the National Day of Remembrance for Doomed Soldiers on March 1st. The post was commented on a provocation quite plausible. "Ignacy Popowski aka" Młody ", photographed by KBW in Kraśnik in 1948. Brother of my great-grandfather … He was 16" – wrote the user Pepe and published a black and white photo of the boy

A few days ago, Pepe commented on Dominik Tarczyński: "Let's examine it!" The survey did not last too long and Internet users were released. Ignacy Popkowski is a "crack" of the punk rock singer and singer of Stooges – Iggy Pop, and the black and white photo was taken live from the artist on Wikipedia.

This is not the first to lag behind. In February, I wrote about the American General – the hero of the KOD, the critic of the PiS. He has turned out to be a well known porn actor.


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