Dominika Gwit confessed what her parents think of her excess weight


Dominika Gwit, because of her excess weight, was often a subject of hatred, ridicule or jokes. Despite this, he keeps a distance from himself, he has a lot of warmth and a positive energy. He does not care about negative opinions about himself. In an interview for the magazine "wiat i ludzie" she revealed that she had inherited such a gay disposition from her parents. – They are always smiling, happy … beloved parents. And when I want to recharge the batteries, I go to their homes near Gdynia – says Dominika Gwit.

By the way, she confessed her parents' reaction to public discussions about her weight. – They have a distance. I'm a fat girl, I've always been like that – she said.

In the past, Dominique's mother often talked to him about obesity. – It was about my health, my parents did not know what was wrong with me. At one point, I started looking for reasons for my weight gain. Before finding the right doctor, I lost a lot of time. Finally, this year, I have been correctly diagnosed. I suffer from insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. I have medication, I regularly visit my doctor, "explained Gwit.

We believe that with such a positive attitude and an optimistic approach to life, Dominika Gwit will recover quickly.

The doctors diagnosed Gwit. She is sick

Dominika Gwit tries in the bedroom. Brave pose!

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