Dominika Tajner-Wiśniewska gave the rabbit's skin. Translated :: Magazine :: RMF FM


Michał Wiśniewski, this time for his wife, he chose someone as brave as him. Dominika Tajner, after participating in the "Star Agent", decided to participate in the next program, this time survival "Madness24". Wiśniewski's wife in one of the episodes was recorded, stripped of the skin of a rabbit, and then eaten.

Although "Madness24" is not yet released, producers are already interested in what will happen in survival program On the Facebook profile of the production, the first images of the plan appeared recently. As for the first advice, they are pretty drastic. They represent the skin of an animal. The wife of Michał Wiśniewski, Dominik Tajner was responsible for the preparation of the rabbit

A piece of rabbit cooked

"For 24 hours, the only thing we ate was a piece of rabbit cooked … Dominika Tajner-Wisniewska has held up well "You can read a description of the photos, which shows, among other things, how the controversial singer's wife strips a pet of the skin. Such images apparently hated the animal advocates, who most likely spared no criticism of Dominika and the program itself. The fact that a wave of opposition has swept the profile of "Madness24" proves the latest published comment (with the post that you can only see flattering opinions – editorial):

"Oh my God , great things, you've never eaten rabbit Normal thing, it hunts, kills, fries and eats, what is in the forest, that 's nothing? is the cortex supposed to be eating and if there were no stores and you would be in the forest, would not you hunt? Honestly, I would like to hunt down that and up to * *** I would like to eat too much and eat a beef simmered with a beer for a drink "- you can read and see that the producers reacted to those words with heart.

Translations Dominika Tajner in scandalous The netizens of the publication could not leave him without a word. The wife of Wiśniewski decided to explain exactly what was his role in the contest prepared by the creators of the program. In an interview with the Pleiades, she said that the program consisted mainly of learning how to survive in various conditions, especially during life.

"I have participated in such a survival program Survival is an art of survival in life-threatening situations. the man teaches on such trips "- she explained.It also pointed out that she had not contributed to the death of her rabbit:" I immediately report that I have not not killed or gutted the rabbit, I found a dead rabbit in the cave, and the task was to prepare him to roast on the fire.I have a task, I did it, I I am carnivorous, I have nothing to hide, but I assure you that there was no rabbit, I did not kill him, he was definitely there no violence in this episode. "

The defense of Dominika Tajner, who participates in the program, was led by" Madness24 ", Tomasz Kuczyński. He also stated that neither they nor the participants in the program have killed animals: "We do not kill animals and we do not do our guests do it." The rabbit was bought before the program! This was the only food that she received during the 24 hours of intensive efforts in the program "Madness24". "Kuczyński also strongly addressed those who criticized the production:" Those who do not understand, or rather do not want to understand, nothing more we will not explain … Look at your shoes, sofas, cars … what you eat each day … think before commenting … "

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