Dominika Tajner-Wiśniewska wants to fight for the children. "She was very close to them"


Dominika Tajner-Wiśniewska will do everything in her power to prevent a divorce. Michał Wiśniewski has an influence on her relationships with her children. She tried to accept them for a long time. No wonder that after breaking with the leader, Ich Troje does not want to waste him.

Dominika Tajner-Wiśniewska has never hidden that she gave priority to the family. From the beginning of the relationship with Michał Wiśniewski, she tried to get the children to accept her beloved. The comfort of the music was not easy. The daughter of Apollonius, Tajner, was the fourth wife of their father. Fortunately, everything went according to Dominika's thought. Xavier, Fabienne, Etiennette and Vivienne loved their new dad.

– I treat everyone equally. That's the secret of my good relationships with my family. It is a relationship that we have been building patiently for many years. And we have successes. I think Michał's children love me. My patchwork family is simply gorgeous – she provided in "Fact" a week before the divorce announcement.

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– Dominika has become very close to them. She had an honest conversation with them and assured her that her divorce with Michał would not affect their contacts. Michal's children will be able to count on her all the time. Dominika even says that if their parents do not bother him, he will be delighted to invite them to the mountains – concluded the informant "Fakt".

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