Donald Trump boasts of Kim Jong Un's summit to NATO leaders, saying it was better than the Oscars: Report


In the midst of a controversial summit with NATO leaders, President Donald Trump spent part of a dinner Wednesday night bragging to some of the states' biggest allies Of his unprecedented encounter with Kim Jong Un

. far from claiming his top with Kim has attracted more media attention than even the Oscars, according to The Washington Post Thursday quoting an unnamed official with knowledge of the dinner in Brussels.

The Atmosphere of Dinner It was described in the report as "cordial" despite Trump's repeated criticism and apparent threats to NATO for defense spending and what the President has qualified of "burden sharing".

Trump boasts of his attention. He often quotes crowds at his rallies and uses hyperbole to describe meetings with national and international leaders.

Trump met Kim in Singapore last month – the first event between a North Korean leader and a seated US president – to negotiate denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. The first handshake of the pair generated an uninterrupted stream of camera flashes, and the same scene was just behind closed doors with National Security Advisor John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and northern officials -coréens.

 GettyImages- 996947854 President Donald Trump speaks in addition to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at a press conference at the 2018 NATO Summit at NATO Headquarters on July 12 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. Leaders of NATO member countries and partners meet for a two-day summit, overshadowed by the strong demands of US President Trump for most NATO member countries to spend more time on peace and security. defense. Getty Images / Jasper Juinen

The result was a joint communiqué explaining that the North had the intention to denuclearize, but the president's critics noted that the message did not detail exactly Kim's regime would match the apparent market and the duration of denuclearization. The United States was also expected to receive the remains of soldiers killed in the Korean War in the early 1950s.

Trump claims that the US is paying far too much of NATO's defense budget while other members are failing to reach 2% of gross domestic product. Many however pointed out that the agreement gave NATO members more time, until 2024, to meet their spending needs.

Trump nevertheless took advantage of his stay in Brussels to criticize NATO and the European Union while accusing members of unfair tariffs and obstacles.

In particular, Trump blamed Germany and Chancellor Angela Merkel for relying on a gas pipeline with Russia while claiming protection against Vladimir Putin's regime. trying unsuccessfully for years to get Germany and other rich nations of NATO to pay more for their protection against Russia. They pay only a fraction of their cost. The United States is paying tens of billions of dollars too much to subsidize Europe and lose Big on Trade! ", Tweeted the president Thursday morning.

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