Donald Tusk in "Facts After Facts"


On Friday, under the tent of Castle Square in Warsaw, the National Assembly was held to commemorate the 550th anniversary of Polish parliamentarism and the 100th anniversary of the reconquest of independence. The meeting was not attended by members of the Civic Platform's parliamentary club. The chairman of the PO, Grzegorz Schetyna, explained that he had given the "destruction of democracy by law and justice". The deputies of the modern and Polish People's Party left the congress before the speech of President Andrzej Duda

"For me the decision is understandable"

According to Donald Tusk, the course of the National Assembly of Friday is " a summary of the last three years "

The celebrations, and parliamentarism is in a deep crisis – said the president of the PSL …

– First, it was quite controversial to put the participants of this ceremony under a tent. I imagine various events under a tent, but it seems that the National Assembly devoted to such a ceremony should be held in the Parliament building. And this sparked a lot of emotions and comments – Tusk said.

– Of course, the essence of the problem is elsewhere, and yet the tent was not the reason why the opposition did not participate in this House – admitted the head of the European Council

opposition, "even if it was certainly not easy". – All this indicates, the last three years clearly show that the current camp, and therefore the organizers of this ceremony, probably attach no particular importance to the essence of parliamentarism. The government "will quickly turn democracy into kleptocracy"

– Those who won the elections openly said that they understood the mandate they received in the election as a mandate to do everything what he wants, Tusk pointed out

He felt that "it's a different power philosophy". – I am very attached to another model of traditional power. Where authorities know where the limitations are – said the guest of "Facts after facts."

– The power that completely subordinates the court, prosecutors, police, and independent media is a power that will quickly turn democracy into kleptocracy. That is, in the rule of thieves – stressed Tusk.

"Difficult for parliamentary time in Poland"

Tusk was questioned about the actions of Sejm President Marek Kuchciński, including the imposition of financial sanctions on some MPs. He believes that the PiS went "far enough and bravely in the direction of the House."

– It reflects the philosophy of the very difficult times for parliamentarism in Poland – added the head of the European Council

Politicians probably did not find anyone among the judges who would like to accept this mask or this dress …

Tusk admitted that It's hard to stay objective in the position of the President of the Sejm or the Senate. However, he felt that while performing similar functions, he tried to remain neutral. In the past, Tusk was the Deputy Speaker of the Senate, and later the Sejm

Gersdorf "did not choose a political career of a warrior"

Donald Tusk felt that he was not a politician. there is a dispute in Poland today about who is most important: a constitution that should apply. "

As he said, there is no doubt who is the first president of the Supreme Court today. – I belong to this political camp, for which the constitution should be above the political parties, and not the opposite – he stressed

– Mrs. President (Małgorzata) Gersdorf has a role simple but difficult to play. Under no circumstances should he claim to replace the opposition or claim that she is in political struggle against the PiS government. He is trying to fulfill his role as President of the Supreme Court. At that time – also one who tries to be true to the constitution – said Tusk

He noted that "this is not just a matter of honor and professional dignity but also a fundamental legal question ". – Can the President of the Supreme Court afford to break or ambiguously interpret the constitution? In my opinion, no, "said Tusk.

– Gersdorf must feel very uncomfortable because she probably did not choose a political career as a warrior. I admire all the more its consistency in the constitutional order, even when this order is very violated – said the head of the European Council.

"There is an image that something bad is happening in Poland"


The public service is that we must defend the interests of our state even in difficult conditions …

Guest of "Facts after Fakty, he referred to the speech of Mateusz Morawiecki at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. On 4 July the Prime Minister was to talk about the vision of Europe's future, but he had to answer MEPs' questions about the violation of the rule by the Polish government

– No speeches even well prepared, will not change the reputation of this government in Europe and in the world. More and more doubtful – said Tusk

As he said, there is "a common belief that this government does not respect constitutional norms and violates the norms of democracy". – Therefore, it is difficult to build a reputation in our world, our political civilization – he added.

– All of this makes the situation in Poland a thick line. Almost nobody enters the nuances. There is an image that something bad is happening in Poland – said Tusk.

"Everybody wants to get out of this crisis as soon as possible"

– As far as the European institutions are concerned, everybody wants Poland. Everyone would want to get out of this crisis as soon as possible, provided that the requirements of democratic standards and the rule of law are respected – stresses the former Prime Minister

He points out that "the most important is not to confuse criticism of the PiS government and Poland "

– Poland is too important a partner for everyone in Europe, so someone would want to harm him. Many people in Europe think that it helps Poland, trying to put pressure on the PiS government to pull Poland out of the constitutional bend – says head of the European Council

Tusk: tinkering with ordination is bad and disturbing

The Sejm Extraordinary Committee sent Friday a draft of 39th Amendment to the Code at second reading …

Extraordinary Parliamentary Committee Mr. Tusk felt that "this is always a bad signal when the officers are trying to change the order in order that this new ordinance will take place. 39, applies in the framework of the draft law on the elections to the European Parliament .. come to the election. "

– Ordinance, contrary to the constitution, is not a sacred question, it can be subject to evolution and change. But such a good custom would suggest new electoral rules, not for the nearest one, just for the next elections. Let no one think that the power is preparing a new order only for its own interests. Today, this impression is obvious – said the head of the European Council –

He stressed that "tinkering with ordination in such a short time and apply new rules by the people who are currently governing is inherently bad and disturbing. "

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