Downpour at Podhale. Dozens of houses flooded. Firefighters pump water [ZDJĘCIA]


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The worst situation reigns in Czarna Góra. There, the water of the surrounding fields literally flooded the village. The streets were lined with half a hundred stones. Some streets were impassable.

The water flooded dozens of buildings. She entered the cellars. – The situation is serious. Literally in 2-3 hours, the situation has become very difficult. Czarna Góra, the Roma colony is flooded. We try to control the water courses and the water courses so that they do not sink.

Then all the forces will be located to pump water from the cellars – he said to Stanisław Łukaszczyk, chief of Bukowina Tatrzańska commune. "For the moment, we have no sign that the water will enter the residential part of the houses.

The people of Black Mountain say that they expected the watercourse and the river to occur. But nobody expected such a storm and so much water.

Voluntary fire brigades from all over Tatra district came to Czarna Góra.

Approx. h. 22, crossing the bridge over the Białka River from Czarna Góra to Bukowina Tatrzańska. Firefighters monitor the situation all the time.

Those who helped others. The house is also flooded in Biały Dunajec (where the water has pierced, among others, a fire station), in Poronin, Stasików, Małe Ciche and Biały Dunajec.

In addition, in Biały Dunajec, a temporary bridge was closed along the national highway – due to the increase in the level of water in the river, firefighters work on the site. The cars are driven by a detour by Białka Tatrzańska.

Ambulance services were announced in the Biały Dunajec commune, Bukowina Tatrzańska, Trzciana and in the Limanowa poviat.

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Source: vivi24

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