DP will build wooden houses for middle-income people


The Sejm on Friday passed a law creating the company Polskie Domy Drew (DP), which, as part of Plus plus program, consists of building wooden buildings. The shareholders of the company will be the National Fund for the Protection of the Environment and Water Management and BOŚ

Apartment plus: 100,000 apartments at the end of 2019

– We will have enough funds to prepare 100,000 at the end of 2019. housing under the government program Mieszkanie plus -…

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There were 230 MPs in favor, against 188. There were eight MPs abstaining from voting.

As Environment Minister Henryk Kowalczyk said Thursday in the Sejm, houses built under the DDP company will be "for people with middle incomes". – For those who can not afford to buy their apartment – he stressed.

– These families really need a home. Maybe these people are not close to you, or even completely strangers and you do not have to worry about it, but we take care of these people, "he said, Addressing opposition MPs, he recalled that these premises will be available for rent and with the possibility of accessing the property. -This is the best way to help families. waiting for housing – he said.

– I know (…) this solution is certainly not suitable for developers and therefore this criticism, saying that it will be expensive, exclusive homes – added Kowalczyk.

"Ecological and Energy Efficient Construction"

Responding to allegations by the opposition that there are no companies in the Polish market that could build wooden houses, Kowalczyk said there were some about 750. – There are a dozen large companies with a very high processing capacity. "These companies are waiting for a market to be created for them." – They will be able to sell their products, wooden houses, in Poland, and will not have to take them abroad – he explained.

He felt that the allocation of funds from the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Management of Water for this purpose is justified because it is about 39, an "ecological and energy efficient construction". – This is a fight with smog, because less funds are needed, less energy to heat this type of houses – he added.

The world champion admits that there is currently no standard for low-energy construction, but the government is working on it and "it should be ready this year".

Work on the draft law creating Polskie Domy Drewniane began in the Sejm this week. One of the founders was to be the state forests. During the first reading of the project in the Sejm commissions, the opposition and the social side (representatives of forestry unions) protested against the inclusion of state forests in the DDA, considering that the proposed provisions are an attempt privatization of state forests. Before the Sejm, they protested against the project, including ecologists and forestry unions.

On Wednesday at the committee meeting, PiS deputies presented amendments, according to which state forests should be removed from DDA shareholders. The amendments were supported by the government.

Houses for Rent

After the changes proposed by PiS, the founders of the company will be the National Fund for the Protection of the Environment and Water Management and Ochrony Środowiska Bank.

The project shows that the registered capital of DP should be raised to at least 50 million PLN. The president of the World Cup said that discussions with the founders of the DP show that in the beginning, they intend to contribute 100 million PLN to the capital – 60 million PLN will be provided by NFOŚiGW and PLN 40 million per BOŚ.

The bill provides for the creation of the company Polskie Domy Drewniane (DP), whose purpose is to support the construction of housing with the use of wood construction technology. energy saving. DP will be a housing operator operating under the Mieszkanie plus program. The houses built by PDD are intended to be rented and rented with the possibility of accessing the property.

In addition, the company acquires or creates new technological solutions in the field of wood processing, buys and processes wood raw materials and sells wood products.

The project proposes that in 2018-2027 the maximum expenditure limit of NFOŚiGW under the DDA will rise to 60 million PLN in 2018; 2019 – 500 million PLN; 2020 – 400 million PLN; 2021 – 400 million PLN; PLN 2022 – 300 million; 2023 – 100 million PLN. Beginning in 2024, the Fund will not incur costs under the proposed amendment as the Company will earn and fund.


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