Dramatic scenes in Tarnów. Aged 33, he attacked a random person with a knife. The day before his release from prison [AKTUALIZACJA]


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Dramatic events took place before 8 am at Tarnów station. The author is a resident of Tychów, aged 33, who was serving a sentence in the criminal institution of Tarnów Mościce and was returned the previous day.

– The man arrived at the station by train Krakow-Tarnów. Although the train ran out, he did not want to get out. They were forced to do so by the conductor and the conductor. The 33-year-old made some noise with them – reports asp. seat. Paweł Klimek, spokesperson for the Tarnów police.

Deeply angered by the whole situation, he pulled out a knife and stabbed a 39-year-old boy from Tarnów who had just left the underpass to the third platform.

The abuser started to flee, but after a while he was caught by the railroad security agents and handed over to the police. The victim was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

The author was sober. Research on the presence of psychotropic substances in his body is underway. The knife that injured injured person was of the "kitchen" type.

The injured man immediately went to the operating room.

– It turned out that his injuries are not as severe as it initially appeared. The wound is happily cut and not cut, and the artery is not damaged. After dressing the wounded, he was transported to the operating room. His life is no longer in danger – says Damian Mika, spokesman for St. Łukasz in Tarnów.


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