Duchess Meghan's father gave another interview. "I love it, I miss it, I'm sorry"


Father Duchess Meghan is one of the most tragic figures of the media today. Thomas Markle has been giving interviews to tabloids for several weeks. With tears in her eyes, she says she misses her daughter and tries to contact her. He has just given another. Surprise?

– If I decide to go to England in a month or a few months, I want to see my daughter. I think about it. I do not care if he's upset or not, "said Markle in an interview with The Sun. The British tabloid once again persuaded the man to confide. It's getting more and more sorry to watch these conversations. Not because Meghan would have broken up with her family behind the ocean, and because the man was lured into a media cradle that revolves around the new princess.

In the last weeks he told the journalists the childhood of his daughter. he participated in paparazzi settings. The Duchess's father made an appointment with the paparazzi in a cybercafe to be photographed by leafing through the stories of her daughter. This is certainly the first story of its kind in the royal family.

Today, at every step, she repeats that she wants to meet Meghan and talk to him. She has not been in touch with her for months. – I will not go, wave the flag and ridicule me. I will find a hotel room and try to reach it – he says and points out that he will not wait for the official invitation of Kensington Palace. – I'm sorry it took so far. Yes, it's my fault. But I've already said many times that I will pay for the rest of my life, "he added in an interview for" The Sun. "

See also: The little boy bumps into Meghan He pulled him by the hair

– I do not have contact with my daughter.The number that I had was not working There is no address to write in. I would like to be connected again by this relationship between father and daughter.If I had to give him a message, it would be: "I love you I miss you, I'm sorry for everything I've done wrong, I want to be a grandfather of your children, I want to be part of your life, I miss you. If I had to say something to Harry, I would just say "forget what was, I'm your father-in-law." And I would say to the royal family that we are just a family now – he said

The interest of journalists Thomas Markle Before the prince's wedding seemed natural, an American actress and divorced wife married a member of the British royal family, perhaps even a future king.The Meghan Markle family was Immediately focus, especially Thomas – we wrote about it earlier. As you can see, he does not give up. Slowly, however, we begin to wonder that the royal family and court associates do not hold meetings with Meghan. Maybe they try to avoid another moral scandal?

– I still want to meet the queen. If she could meet Donald Trump, why not with me? I would like to be treated like a family, like my father Meghan. I should be treated with respect as any other father of the bride, says Markle in The Sun.

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