Duda signed an amendment to the laws of the court. Comments are ruthless political


On Thursday, Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the court acts that the Sejm and the Senate passed at an express rate. The new regulations are accelerating, among other things, the election of the First President of the Supreme Court. According to the changes, 80 (not 110) of the 120 SN judges will need the indication of the first president of the Supreme Court. Thanks to this, the PiS will be able to show more quickly the successor of the teacher. Mašgorzata Gersdorf, because there are currently 44 judges in the Supreme Court. According to the opposition, this bill will be fully subordinate to the Supreme Court of PiS

. In addition, the new regulation amends the procedure for the election of judges of the Supreme Court, removes the law. quorum requirement in the judicial authority and accelerates the pace of appointed Judges

Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the court laws. Comments

After Andrzej Duda's decision to sign an amendment to the court's laws on Twitter, many comments have emerged. The right blogger Kataryna wrote that "this is the moment when the voter has to go to the Palace" to protest.

As the president for whom I voted, he signs the bill expressly wrong because he purges they can not wait in the Supreme Court, it's the moment when his elector must go to court and be considered dissatisfied

– a blogger wrote.

According to TVN A.DUDA, he signed another scandalous SN law. It is so that he has rushed because he probably thinks that by creating a fait accompli he will discourage us from manifesting. Let's show him the gesture of Kozakiewicz – let us show even more what we think of the president-violator of the Constitution

– the former Polish Prime Minister Leszek Balcerowicz wrote.

Commentators also pointed out the error, which contains the package of invoices signed by the president. This is section 22, which deals with proceedings pending before the establishment of the office of the Supreme Court Judge. As Adam Bodnar, a mediator explained to the public, the art. 22 ust. 2 provides that additional documents must be submitted within seven days. It indicates that the persons covered by this article may, in the framework of the contest for the judge, include documents "referred to in Article 31 § 2a" of the Supreme Court Act. However, in the new law, there is no Article 31 § 2a. Is the art 31 § 3a and c & # 39; is as such that said documents are mentioned. And the bill signed by Andrzej Duda does not refer to him, but to a non-existent article.

Duda signed a law in which reference is made to a nonexistent paragraph, an openly broken constitution, ruining the power of three, anti-state. ±, putting Poland on the outskirts of Europe, making the country an open-air museum of lawlessness, giving the SN the feet of Ziobro. Indispensable in a hip

– commented the journalist Przemysław Szubartowicz

Commentators also criticized the express rhythm in which Andrzej Duda signed the bill. He had 21 days to do it and he signed the day after the acceptance of the Senate. The bill has already been published in the Journal of Laws

Well, please, this time, the PAD was wondering. He thought for a long time what color he would sign …

– commented Ryszard Balicki, Constitutionalist

Until the election of a new president, I suggest changing the name of his current seat. The name Pa³ac Namiestnikowski is definitely more in place than the Presidential Palace. The king and the master are elsewhere. Here is a servant and viceroy

– wrote Tomasz Lis.

PAD used a sophisticated strategy of cowardice. He signed and escaped to Jurata. Mr. President, pay attention to blue-green algae

– commented Jarosław Kurski, deputy editor of Gazeta Wyborcza.

The modern president Katarzyna Lubnauer wrote that "the PAD PiS are trying to drive Poland out of the EU"

Zero reflection, zero concern for Poland, zero respect for the law, general zero. PAD of PAD try hard to write us out of the family of democratic countries, which is the EU. We are not allowed to push ourselves out of the EU!

– said Katarzyna Lubnauer, president of Nowoczesna

Michał Szczerba encouraged, on Twitter, to take part in the demonstrations, which must begin at 21:00.

It is important for Europe to see that we do not accept our rights! PAD and PiS appeared in the referendum masquerade. His sole purpose was to distract attention from taking the Supreme Court! See you at 21:00. Let the fire burn all over Poland! £ añcuchwiatwiat2018

– writes MP deputy

Protests under the Senate. People gather from noon

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