Duda would be ashamed! Marriage humiliated president, Poles applaud


Andrzej Duda, because of his policy, won many opponents within the company. The president is criticized both in our country and abroad, but he did not expect such humiliation.

During his tenure, Andrzej Duda lost much in the eyes of many Poles. A few months ago he reigned in the ranking of the most trusted Polish politician. However, now the situation has changed dramatically. In addition, he is accused of violating the constitution, which only worsens the situation. Now, a certain wedding did something that nobody expected, especially Andrzej Duda.

Andrzej Duda humiliated

Anyone who has a long-term relationship knows that spending time with another person is not as easy as it may seem. There are many temptations and adversities on the common lifestyle for spouses. Obviously, there are arguments for everyone, but not everyone can return to normal life after them. That is why many years of marital placements elicit such admiration in us.

The newlyweds of Wałbrzych celebrated their 50th birthday. On this occasion, Mr. Daniel Sleboda and his wife received a letter from the registry office in which they were informed that they would receive special medals from the president himself. However, their response surprised everyone.

– They gave us until December 14 to tell us if we were going to attend the medal ceremony. We replied that we would not come – said Daniel in an interview with wp.pl.



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Humiliated by a married couple from Wałbrzych

The man does not hide the reason for such a decision. It turned out to be a policy led by resident Andrzej Duda. At the same time, he notes that he will be very happy to receive decorations if the president changes. As soon as possible will take place in 2020. Daniel Sleboda adds that this encourages them to continue living together.

– If the president changes, we will gladly accept this decoration. For the moment everything has been ruined by Andrzej Duda. The only good thing in this situation is that it will mobilize us to stay together until the change of palate … We had our wedding anniversary some time ago and we were already celebrating this. It's unfortunate that we can not do it in the office, but we will wait and maybe we will succeed, "adds Daniel.


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