Durex removes Real Feel and Latex Free condoms


The case concerns ten lots of Durex condoms, sold under the name Real Feel and Latex Free. Their expiration date is between December 2020 and February 2021. It turns out that the erasers break, which completely excludes them from the sale.

The company intends to return money to customers. The market that has suffered the most is the United Kingdom and Ireland, but some products were also withdrawn in Poland

In a statement sent to the media, the company said that "following this research, some Durex Real Feel condom series "The current situation is not a threat to the safety of consumers." Only a series of products have passed the tests. In close cooperation with the Office of the Registrar of drugs, medical devices and biocidal products, we decided to withdraw Later in the announcement, the company asks consumers to check and return the condoms Durex Real Feel latex-free marked with a number of products mid series:

  • Durex Real Feel, condoms 3 pc., Lot No: 1000415328, Expiration Date: 12-2020
  • Durex Real Feel, Condom, 3 pc., Lot n °: 1000422259, Expiration date: 01-2021
  • Durex Real Feel Condom 10 pcs., Lot No: 1000438054, Expiration Date: 01-2021

"We ask consumers to contact our hotline at 0-801 115 111 to determine the method of Refund for purchased products and for more information on condoms without latex Durex Real Feel "- appealed to the company.

(KF, PG Source: Twitter, Onet)

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