"Dziennik Wschodni": Another agricultural movement is emerging. "New Lepper" at the forefront


The structure of the new agricultural movement is created by the President of the Union of Vegetables and Potatoes, Michał Kołodziejczak. "Dziennik Wschodni" informs about many meetings with farmers near Lublin, Radzyń Podlaski and Biłgoraj.

Michał Kołodziejczak has earned the title of "new Lepper" by committing to blocking the path of veterinarians in Dawid in the Parczewski region. The blockade was motivated by opposition to the slaughter of pigs in connection with the PPA.

As Kołodziejczak explains, "it is necessary to create a new movement".

"Today, we see the anointing of people at the top, this vector is turned in the wrong direction" – he explains to the newspaper, evoking the creation of the movement "Agro Unia".

"We are building a structure that will affect what is happening at the very top, and the need is born from the fact that there are many problems in agriculture.It is easy to talk about it at different levels. but few things are done, "he adds.

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