Edyta Górniak is married ?! These words of the stars give food for thought!


  Edyta Górniak

Author: East News

Edyta Górniak at a concert in Wągrowiec won a very intimate confession! The singer, who usually protects her private life, has easily told the scene of her new love. What did Edyta Górniak say? Engagement or marriage are words that have been repeated among the public!

On the fact that in my personal life Edyta Górniak is doing well lately, all the Polish media have been writing for several weeks. The identity of the singer of the new boyfriend was recently betrayed by the Super Express website – Edyta Górniak would be in love with his 12-year-old rally driver – Mateusz Zalewski . The couple had to get to know each other in exceptionally romantic circumstances because at the hospital, where Edyta was after a knee surgery. This, however, was not intended to hinder the blossoming of their love.

Now Edyta Górniak confirmed herself that she was in love! And moreover – she suggested that her relationship reached a new level … Edyta Górniak was one of the stars of the Wągrowiec concert, which took place on July 14th. The singer has presented her greatest hits, but most importantly she said directly from the scene – she is in love!

Edyta Górniak is married

During the concert Edyta Górniak she tried a more personal confession! At some point in the concert, the star suggested that he would invite someone to the stage to sing another song with her. Of the many raised hands, Edyta's attention drew above all …

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Do you have an alliance? Yesterday I could, and today my beloved would be jealous!

– said Edyta Górniak !

What do his words mean? Of course, two options come to mind: a wedding or a commitment! Is Edyta Górniak married? Of course, it is difficult to draw such precise conclusions from the singer's words, but it must be admitted that they give food for thought.

However, the new relationship Edyta Górniak certainly brings him a lot of luck. The singer thrives, and her words to the fans can not be accidental! Would you be happy if Edyta Górniak is engaged or married?

  Edyta Górniak

Author: East News

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