Edyta Pazura in a bikini a month after childbirth. Fans: "Woman, you even embarrassed Lewandowska" :: Magazine :: RMF FM


Edyta Pazura gave birth to her third child a little over a month ago, and she is impressing again with the number. Fans do not spare his compliments.

Today, my new text: "My mother, aged 30." Is there an appropriate age to make a decision about a child? Here is an excerpt: "I suspect that when you wrote an essay at the school, your teacher taught you that it has a specific structure: dissertation, argumentation and confirmation or rejection of the thesis. is only a … No, I could usually finish this article, but I will show you what it was like from my point of view and how parenting shaped me.I started my adventure with motherhood exactly 10 years ago, when October 2008 I discovered that I was pregnant.What feelings accompany then a woman? All: joy, fear, excitement, the confusion, euphoria intertwined with melancholy, and sometimes tears of joy plunge into despair … Although you thought you were well prepared for a new role, your head was always galloping the eternal question: "Will I be able to do it? "(…) More on www.imaybebaby.com Link in relation ???? #imaybebaby? #maybebaby ?? #childrenworld #children #baby #maternity #theconditionedcreate #civoidcollection Foto: @peter_myskovsky

A post shared by Edyta Pazura – Maybe baby (@ed_pazura) there

The third child of Claws

More than a month ago Edyta Pazura gave birth to Cezary Pazura third child together.On 1 June the world came their second daughter, whose pair gave the name Rita.The actor and his wife were the first parents in 2009, when their first daughter Amelia came to the world.The couple also has a son born in 2012 Antoni.

Edyta P azura in a bikini

A few weeks after birth, Edyta Pazura boasts of her body. On Instagram, she has released two short films on which she is posing in a small bathing suit covering the pool, swinging a small Rita in a pram. The sight of Cezary Pazura's wife in a bikini touched her fans. They do not hide admiration and do not spare compliments to Pazura.

"You have a beautiful figure, and a month after giving birth, I feel like," "Wow, how beautiful it is! It's hard to believe that you just gave birth to a baby "," I pick up a puppy on the floor … Bust by the breasts, of course, but a number! Miracle honey "," I was born a few days after you, but my belly is far in my picture, and even further … I'm jealous "- commented the fans.

Better than Lewandowska?

In the comments on the profile of Edyta Pazura also usual comparisons with the Polish fitness guru, Anna Lewandowska. "I look and I can not go out of admiration! Such a belly a month after childbirth, and after the third pregnancy.Woman, you even embarrassed Ania Lewandowska," writes one of the fans of the wife of Cezary Pazura.

Edyta decided to write a flattering comment which she says is somewhat exaggerated. "Without exaggeration … Ania is carved like a Greek goddess, I'm far from her," writes Pazura, the fans have not given up, "and I prefer you a million times more than Mrs. Lewandowska . You are mega natural, without napów, beautiful, normal woman "- sums up one of the Internet users

Below you can compare the postpartum photos of Edyta Pazura and Anna Lewandowska. you that Cezary Pazura's wife did not have one pregnancy and three!

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