Edyta Pazura is breastfeeding on the beach. But the eye is taken by Rita's little hairstyle


On June 1, the third child of Cezary and Edyta Pazura came into the world. Currently, the family on vacation on the Polish seaside. A freshly cooked mother was boasting a photo of the beach where she was breastfeeding Rita. "On the positive side of the mother who is breastfeeding, she does not have to run after the older ones" – she writes jokingly under Pazur's photo.

Innanaus is delighted not only by the image but also by the baby's luxuriant hairstyle. They make up a girl and her mother, radiant with happiness.

Remember that throughout the pregnancy, Cezary's wife, Pazura, is looking forward to the appearance. Internet users were also impressed by its weight – in February, it weighed 60 kg. It is not surprising that she also came back very soon after giving birth

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