Electricity charges more than 30%. That's what suppliers want from 2019


Agnieszka Głośniewska, a spokeswoman for the Energy Regulation Board quoted by PAP, said Wednesday that, as in previous years, the agency had called four PGE, Tauron, Enea, Energa, office sellers, to submit their tariff applications for next year.

As you have admitted, the spokesperson showed that these companies expected "large increases, on average by more than 30%".

Morawiecki: There will be no increase in the price of electricity

However, it should be remembered that the final amount of the maximum price increase will be decided by the Energy Regulatory Office at the end of the pricing process. Current rates will cease to apply at the end of this year.

That is why, in mid-December, we should learn about the new rates of 2019, so that they can come into effect from January.

The first serious warning was already the November report of the National Bank of Poland, which had clearly given rise to earlier expectations of prices. The latest study estimates that in 2019, average increases in consumer goods and services will be in the range of 2.6 to 3.9%. It can even mean a doubling of the current rate of price increase. In October, they rose 1.8%.

2 hours ago

JacekLet's run wind turbines, develop coal plants, buy CO2 emission limits.
The price of electricity will certainly not increase. Good ration changed?

2 hours ago

banditShit of coal.

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