Elon Musk says that to 70%. he will fly to Mars



The most ambitious goal of Elon Muska is probably the colonization of Mars. Interestingly, he would like to be one of the colonizers.

Elon Musk would like to fly to Mars

Neil deGrasse Tyson recently called Elon Musk the most important innovator of our time, paying attention to what he is doing with his SpaceX company. It's she who plays the first violin of the mission entitled The Colonization of the Red Planet. For now, it's only a concept, but …

In an interview with Axios (with HBO), Elon Musk has boasted of having achieved many breakthroughs and that the chances of achieving this goal have increased dramatically. As he says himself, he sees a 70% chance that he can and actually fly to Mars.

One way ticket

Musk also admitted that if he lands on the surface of the red planet, he will not leave her. Not only him, anyway, all the colonizers will probably stay on Mars until death.

Flights to this planet are not meant to be trips for the rich, but a challenge. The colonizers will have to work hard not only to fight for their survival, but also to create the conditions of life for future generations.

Musk himself compares this to a trip to Mount Everest – it's not easy and the risk of death is huge, but the emotions that accompany it are extraordinary. And would you like to write about it?

Source: HBO, Engadget. Illustration: SpaceX / Flickr (CC0)

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