Emin Agalarov Contradict Donald Trump Jr. Over Trump Tower Call


Emin Agalarov, the Russian real estate developer and pop star at the heart of the infamous Trump Tower meeting, says he remembers speaking to Donald Trump Jr. before the June 2016 meeting despite President Trump's not recalling the conversation in testimony before Congress . Agalarov told Vice News Tonight on HBO that he told Trump the people who wanted to meet him. to the meeting. Aras, to connect Natalia Veselnitskaya-the lawyer and Kremlin informing at the meeting-to the Trumps. He said his father and asked him to help him. Trump told Congress last year that it was not possible that it was possible that [they] left each other voice mail messages. "Agalarov is also a figure in the Steele case and allegedly offered President Trump prostitutes who performed" golden showers "in front of him in Moscow. "Trump and prostitutes, for me I think these are two separate worlds," Agalarov said in the interview, denying the allegations.

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