Emotions around police activities in front of the Palace. "She showed self-control" against "She went into MO's shoes"


The police were attacked aggressively. We must all be thankful to the police for showing signs of restraint – Senate Marshal Stanisław Karczewski commented on the clashes that took place after the protest Thursday against changes in the judicial system in front of the presidential palace in Warsaw. Quite differently, these events are commented by the politicians of the civic platform. The OP Senators issued a statement in which they state, inter alia, that "the police itself becomes a provocateur" and that its activities in front of the presidential palace are taken "as an attempt to intimidate society". "Such behavior unambiguously reminds us of the actions of the citizen militia and ZOMO at the time of the Polish People's Republic" –

On Thursday evening, opponents of the changes in the judicial system promoted by the law and justice confronted the streets of many Polish cities. A few hours earlier, President Andrzej Duda signed a parliamentary amendment to the laws, the Supreme Court, the court system, the National Council of the Judiciary and the Public Prosecutor's Office

In Warsaw, protesters gathered in front of the presidential palace. The protest officially ended around 11 pm, but after its closure, some demonstrators remained in front of the Palace. The group chanted the unspeakable words of the president, and vis-à-vis the presidential palace church, tear gas was used.

According to the police, he used as the first gas – against the officers – one of the protesters. The police had only to respond in the same way

The flow of gas was directed to the person who released the gas. So in theory to a person. Practically, since the situation was dynamic, the gas could also affect other people – explained in an interview with FMF FM Commissioner Sylwester Marczak of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police Headquarters

Thousands people went down the streets of Poland. through law and justice, changes in the justice system. In Warsaw, in a crowd gathered in front of the presidential palace, Andrzej Duda shouted: "You will be seated!" or … read more

The current situation gives rise to great emotions.

The speaker was also Senate Speaker Stanisław Karczewski. As he said: he is worried and saddened by the aggression that he saw on Thursday on Krakowskie Przedmieście

I watched a lot of videos (…), j & rsquo; I saw with what aggression the police were attacked. A moment ago, I listened with astonishment and open eyes to a statement signed by all the senators (Platforms) who criticize the police. I think we should all thank the police for showing that they are moderate – said Karczewski, quoted by the Polish News Agency.

He added that on the film that he mentioned, you can see how the agents are attacked, pushed and insulted. But they can, however, behave in the manner that suits the police – he pointed out

The Marshal also apologized to the police for the declaration of platform senators [19659006] FO politicians write that "demonstrations and demonstrations are a form of expression of recognized social discontent in a democratic state" and "the role of the police is to guarantee maximum security (… )

Unfortunately, we see that the police itself becomes provocative and its aggressive behavior seeks to turn peaceful demonstrations into a confrontation between power and society – we read in the statement of Senators PO

Yesterday – July 26 – police used tear gas under the presidential palace. A large group of swollen and torn protesters had to get medical help. Many have been subjected to aggressive identity cards. In many cases, the police have only eased the awareness that opposition parliamentarians are witnesses – Senators declare

They further point out that "such actions by the police, their brutality and their their magnitude can not be justified. "

We try to intimidate society (…) Such behavior reminds us too clearly the actions of the citizen militia and the ZOMO ….) – also the senators of the. State of the Platform

Earlier, the PO politicians called on the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration Joachim Brudziński to provide information on the circumstances of the use of tear gas.

These protests were peaceful in nature, so there is absolutely no explanation for the police reaction with which the protesters met yesterday at the end of the demonstration in Krakowskie Przedmieście – said Bogdan Klich , and Andrzej Halicki, they turn to the police, he writes on Twitter: Using gas against peaceful people, you have entered the skin of the citizen militia. Shame, lack of professionalism. Do not use the name Police, you have ceased to be .

On the commentary of Halicki, he also replied on Twitter, Joachim Brudziński.

We have discussed many times, but I have always considered Lord for a responsible person. Do not compete with Misiło and Nitrasem deputies for reckless and irresponsible attacks on the police. May the Lord attack me, PiS, and give peace to the officers who carry out their duties – wrote the head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration

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