EMUI 10 based on Android Q runs on the Huawei P30 Pro. What does it mean?


Until recently, it was clear that Huaweia's smartphones will not be upgraded to Android Q, and therefore also to EMUI 10. However, tests are underway on this system. Huawei has an ace in his sleeve?

Huaweia's situation in the mobile phone market is not optimistic, as most fans of new technologies probably know. However, there is a glimmer of hope for people who have understood that their Huawei would never receive an update of the system.

Android Q and EMUI 10 tests are running on the Huaweiu P30 Pro

The FunkyHuawei service showed the world screenshots of the EMUI 10 tests on the Huawei P30 Pro smartphone. This has been confirmed by the XDA website. The publishers managed to get a beta version of the new system and install it on the device.

Why is it so important? Each subsequent version of EMUI is based on the new version of Android. EMUI 9 is the Android Pie overlay (9.0), and EMUI 10 is based on the non-Android Android Q. In the trial version, few changes have been made to EMUI 9, but you can see the features of the new Android. The most important is the new authorization management system, which includes permission to track placements only when the application is open.

Android Q on Huawei devices is not a total novelty, but the EMUI 10 tests are totally unexpected information.

Recall that the beta version of Android Q can be installed on another Huaweia smartphone, namely the Mate 20 Pro. This model, as one of the few smartphones not on the Pixeli list, participates in the official Android test program Q. Mate 20 Pro left the test program for a while, but soon returned.

However, keep in mind that the Google program includes pure Android tests, with no overlay from the manufacturer. In the case of the P30 Pro tests described above, we deal with Huaweia's EMUI software.

What exactly do EMUI 10 tests mean? Does Huawei know anything we do not know?

Google gave Huawei a 90-day period to settle its affairs. On August 19th, the Google Services License will expire, with the ability to update Android.

Therefore, there are several options on the table. Huawei plans to release EMUI 10 before August 19, but the Android Q system itself will not be visible until the fall. Huawei may be considering basing its EMUI on the beta version of Android, which would be an unprecedented situation. However, we do not know if license agreements allow such a procedure.

The second option is to expand the cooperation between Google and Huawe. Do companies agree and have not yet informed users? This would be a very interesting situation, which could potentially mean resuming cooperation with other entities, including the key partner, ARM, holding the processor architecture.

The third option is … tests with momentum. Huawei may have planned to release EMUI 10 before the scandal broke out and start working on the first version of the system, which users had just sent him. This option would mean that there is no reason to get excited and that nothing changes on the Google – Huawei line.

The only thing certain is that nothing is certain.

Until August 19, we will probably see more than once contradictory information about Huaweia's future. For the moment, the situation seems bad and if nothing changes, Google will remain categorical. I would not be on EMUI 10. If the Huawei system, it is rather Hongmen OS, not Android.

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