Establishment of the Polish Economic Institute. Seym on "yes"


  The Polish Economic Institute is subject to
Phot. Andrzej Grygiel

The Polish Economic Institute is directly subordinated to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki

He conducts research, cooperating with Polish and foreign institutions and centers of science, and promoting the idea Polish analytics. The Sejm passed laws on the establishment of the Polish Economic Institute

On 426 votes – on the voting vote – 230 were supported by the PIE uprising, against 193.

The Institute Polish economy will be financed by the state budget. It replaces the Institute for Market Research, Consumer Affairs and Business Cycles – State Research Institute

According to the rationale given in the list of legislative work of the Council of Ministers, PIE must allow access to "means of information, analysis and research". in this domain. "The new branch will be submitted to the Prime Minister

View: Morawiecki Polish Chamber of Commerce in Washington.It will represent the Polish company in the United States

According to the PAP, the institute, among others, conducts scientific, economic and social research, cooperates with Polish and foreign institutions and centers of science, and promotes Polish analysis

He organizes these seminars and conferences and disseminates knowledge on the economic situation and the development of economic relations

. The establishment of the institute is absolutely necessary because none of those existing deals with economic issues that cover the entire socio-economic process, according to PAP

The opposition, in turn , says that the new institution has an exchange of human resources

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