Etiennette Wiśniewska is 11 years old. What does the daughter of Michał Wiśniewski and Anna Świątczak look like today? PICTURES


Michał Wiśniewski praised the photos of her daughter Etiennette and probably did not expect such a reaction from fans. The skin removed! Everyone thinks the 11-year-old looks like his famous father. Do not you think? See the pictures now – on

Etiennette Wiśniewska is an older daughter of Michał Wiśniewski and Anna Świątczak . The girl who is the fruit of the third marriage of the singer Ich Troje was born in 2006 and almost before our eyes the changes of a teenager with a teenager. What does it look like today Eti Wiśniewska ? Michał's curiosity seduced the fans. On your Instagram profile, which monitors over 33,000 users of the website have recently posted a video and some pictures of their daughter. The result? A wave of comments about how Etiennette looks like his father!

– I will tell you that yours is 100%
– The skin stripped of you
– Papa Papa

What does Michał Wiśniewski's daughter, Etiennette, look like?

Remember that Michał Wiśniewski and Anna Świątczak were married in 2006 and married for 5 years. In addition to Etiennette, the couple has one more daughter, Vivienne. Netizens are right, Eti is extremely similar to his father? Old and current photos of the eleven-year-old daughter of Michał Wiśniewski and Anna Świątczak, Etiennette Wiśniewska can be found in GALLERY >>

SEE: THE FUNERAL MICHAŁ WIŚNIEWSKI in the clip. Strong scenes with mother and children! VIDEO

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