Even 10 zlotys for parking in the center. An increase in the largest cities


The Sejm passed a law allowing authorities in 100,000 cities to establish a new pay parking zone in the center. For the first hour to leave the vehicle in the city center, we will pay a maximum of 9.99 zlotys. Penalties have also increased to not pay fees in the area.

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The new regulation is found in the amendment to the law on public-private partnership and several other laws. The document was adopted by the Sejm on 5 July.

It assumes that in cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, with the exception of the usual paid parking areas, the new-downtown may be created.

At the present time, court rates depend on the minimum wage to be raised next year. This also means increases for drivers stationed in the cities – in the normal zone up to 3.33 PLN, and in the new area of ​​the city center, it can rise to 9.99 PLN.

There is also a change in the penalty for the absence of parking fees – currently it is 50 zlotys. According to the new regulations, the amount must be at most 10%. minimum wage, PLN 222.

City councilors must decide the exact amount of the rates.


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