Everyone can buy a hectare of land


The Ministry of Agriculture ensures the marketing of agricultural land. – Trade restrictions on agricultural land will disappear in cities. It will also be easier to buy a rural land – writes Rzeczpospolita.

The Ministry of Agriculture has introduced an amendment to the law, in which it is stated that everyone will be able to buy up to one hectare of land and not, as today, only 300 acres .

However, there will be no restrictions on the sale of land within the administrative boundaries of cities. They will be completely excluded from the regulations on the trade of land – writes Rzeczpospolita.

Everyone can buy a hectare of land

As the paper argues, just after taking over the presidency of Agriculture Minister Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, he promised that he would yield one hectare of land under the law.

– And he probably wanted to keep that promise. The problem though is that it's a bit awkward. Although the project envisages that everyone can buy a hectare of arable land, it does not eliminate the provision of 300 ares – says Rzeczpospolita.

Indeed, the previous ideas were about 30 ares that a non-farmer could buy. So that's min. agriculture was inclined to make one hectare. – So that people who want to settle in the countryside and want a garden or a slightly larger orchard can buy this land – He said in August of this year.

Ardanowski announced that the Sejm would be approved by the amendment in question and he wished to propose a "slight loosening" of rigors in agricultural land trade and to achieve in the fall. – But there will be no significant departure from the principle that farmland serves farmers. – the reserved minister.


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