Ewa Farna plays with hair and glitter on the wall of the Dwójki Holiday Trail (PHOTOS)


  Ewa Farna plays with the hair and glitter on the wall of the Dwójki Holiday Road (PHOTOS)

Silhouette by Ewa Farna arouses for many years many emotions from the media and fans . The singer was clearly rounded, with which many people have a big problem . It's not only for that – the singer often emphasizes that he feels good in his body, he does not have the intention of losing weight, and the opinions of the malicious people are in high esteem.

The star does not abandon the sexy feminine style his appearances on the walls . It was no different when Farna posed at the Twos Holiday Route party, which arrived in Toruń on Sunday. Farna showed herself in tight black pants and a blouse on which she wore a sequined coat. Later, the outer garment was changed to red blouse

High temperatures favored the rejuvenation of the body, which was also used at the event E Lisowska well-being and Dominika Gawęda . Celebrities have unveiled the belly and thigh in the estate.

Which star has shown the best?


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