Excise tax on electronic cigarettes moved 1.5 years


The Department of Finance wishes to defer the introduction of the excise tax on electronic cigarettes as of June 30, 2020. The tax would come into effect on January 1, 2019 and the zero rate would apply until January 1, 2019. 39 at the end of 2018. The new project expands existing regulations.

As stated in the explanatory memorandum, the bill meets the demands of the tobacco industry. Companies stressed the need to extend the transition period when new charges are introduced. They pointed out that because of the protracted work on regulation, they will not be able to prepare for new tasks. This was, among other things, for the need to obtain a license to operate a tax warehouse and its equipment, and the need to provide an excise guarantee. The Association for the Protection of Rights of Entrepreneurs calculated that the composition of the warehouse was linked to an expenditure of about 100,000 euros. PLN, and excise security is up to PLN 300,000 1.5 million.

A year and a half with cheaper liquids

The new regulation extends the validity of a zero excise duty rate on liquids for electronic cigarettes and innovative products by June 30, 2020. At this date, the obligation to mark with excise the electronic cigarette liquid will be postponed. The Ministry of Finance points out that they will win changes microentrepreneurs and small and medium enterprisesbecause their tax burden will be reduced. Due to the postponement of the deadline, the planned PLN 113 million will not affect the budget.

E-cigarette as usual

The excise duty on liquid electronic cigarettes must be raised to 50 zlotys per milliliter. On the other hand, the excise duty on innovative products will rise to 141.29 zlotys for each kilogram. Initially, the excise rate was to rise to 0.70 zloty.

The government pointed out that the introduction of excise duties on these products means that they will be treated in the same way as traditional tobacco products. They will be subject to the obligation to band, confirming their legal origin and better control of the state on their production, circulation and sale..

In the justification of the project, the Ministry of Finance raised the case of Italy, where the excise duty on electronic cigarettes is 0.385 EUR per milliliter. Forecasts for 2017 assumed a contribution of 5 million euros to the Italian budget.


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