Experts predict which professions will disappear from the labor market


A customer advisor in a bank, a salesman and a librarian are jobs that could soon disappear from the job market – experts predict. However, they pointed out that with the development of civilization, new professions will emerge, for example the artificial intelligence trainer.

  Experts predict which professions will disappear from the labor market

Monika Fedorczuk, labor market expert at the Lewiatan Confederation, the times when all his life was working in a business were over. "The model according to which the employee came to the company right after school and worked there until retirement, he retired to Poland in the 1990s." –

"Times have changed: we are no longer working in a company or profession, some start working in a company, then become self-employed, then go to a small company or work for example in a foundation" – a noted the expert. She added that more and more often the world is working "on a project basis", that is, from one project to the other.

According to Fedorczuk, frequent changes in the employer may not ensure stability. "If we decide on such a model of work, we partially give up certain privileges arising from seniority in a company." Stability can also be lacking in project work, because we know that sooner or later a given project will end.

She pointed out that the modern labor market has many advantages. "Through the change of workplace and classes, we have the opportunity to acquire a lot more experience, we have the opportunity to grow." Once, if someone one started as a shoemaker, engineer, teacher, he worked for the rest of his life. we make mistakes when choosing a profession, we are not sentenced for many years "- said the expert.

In his view, the winners in the evolving labor market will be those who predict future trends. "Competitions related to the development of personal skills will remain on the market, such as counselors, psychologists, trainers, etc. The plumber and the electrician will likely remain on the market as these activities are difficult to replace by machines. it is desirable to have a tailor-made dress or purse of a purse "- said Fedorczuk.

An expert expects certain professions to disappear from the market such as a librarian. "It's not just about robotics, it's about changing the way people live, books are relatively cheap, there are more and more electronic readers on the market and people read less. "She pointed out that the work of a salesperson and a customer service advisor may also be limited, for example in a bank.

In turn , the chairman of the Personnel Department Krzysztof Inglot pointed out that there were more and more new professions. "The creator of the application, the head of social media and the big data analyst are professions that did not exist in 2006 and there is now a strong demand for These new professions. At the World Economic Forum, it is estimated that 65% of school-aged children will work in occupations that have not yet been created, "he says.

He pointed out that the strongest demand will be for creative professions that are harder to automate. "The job market has been changing for us for over a dozen years, people occupy positions that no one has heard about 10 years ago, and in the next decade it will there will be positions and specializations that we do not even know. a value that we can equip our children now so that they adapt more easily to the new conditions, which, of course, concerns creativity, with companies able to automate simple tasks " , said Inglot

. list of professions. A few years ago, there were no competitions like the Uber Driver, the Autonomous Automotive Engineer, the Cloud Computing Specialist, the Sustainability Manager, the Content Creator on YouTube or the ### 39, operator of drones. "Now, these job offers do not surprise anyone." In addition, in the coming years, due to the growing adaptation of artificial intelligence in the labor market, there will be a demand for artificial intelligence trainers ".

Referring to the report from Oxford University and Yale, he pointed out that in 45 years, robots would accomplish most of the tasks that people are doing today. "There are some exceptions, however, there is only a 2% chance that positions such as art director, producer, director, photographer or stylist will be automated, and the chance that the work will do the conservator's job will be even less. marketers whose work is largely based on creative thinking, "says Inglot.

He emphasizes that education should be responsible for the challenges of the labor market. "The growing importance of creativity is a challenge for any economy that wants to gain an important place in the robotic reality.In Poland, we must focus primarily on the changes in the education system that focuses mainly on the transfer of However, this is not only a problem in our country, "said Inglot

author: Paweł Żebrowski

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