F1 owners plan to use Robert Kubica


Monday was held the presentation of the sponsor and colors of Williams, Robert Kubica's team. The pole returns in F1 in the season to come. "March" decided to dedicate a few words to him on this occasion. The Spanish daily notes that Kubica has been working hard to get back into Formula 1. – Kubica has passed all the tests, showed up in the simulator and on the track, where he had comparable times. No force in the right hand is compensated by turning the arm. 70 percent strength in the left arm, 30 percent. on the right – calculate the Spanish journalists. They quote the Polish pilot: – It looks like my body is adapting. With two healthy arms, I could not be as precise as now with one.

"Robert Kubica made the members of the team feel"

The paper also notes Kubica's contribution to the development of his team. Williams executives have repeatedly praised the cluster for their experience and knowledge that will help improve the car. – Kubica again oiled the members of his team, he did it as a reserve driver. His work with engineers, his technical knowledge is something special. It's like a guide for a lost team who has had problems despite a good Mercedes engine – he says "Mars".

Robert Kubica dispels doubts?

The Spaniards predict that the return of Kubica in F1 could be a great success. – The time has come to translate the words into the track, to go beyond the limits and to dispel the doubts about the injured hand, although he is one of the best drivers of his generation. It's a star and a story that they love in the United States. Liberty Media [w³a¶ciciel F1 – przyp. red.] he will use it – he convinces "March". Kubica will be one of the protagonists of the Netfliks F1 series, which will help make this sport even more popular. The pre-season tests are now ahead of the Poles, which will take place on the circuit of Catalunya, near Barcelona, ​​from 18 February. The first start of the new season has already taken place on March 17th in Australia.

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