Facebook is bending under the government. Not only Trump


The Polish government has tried to influence Facebook several times in recent years. No wonder, there are more than 10 million Poles on the account site, and this is provoking more and more controversy. They are particularly motivated by the internal rules on which a private company blocks or refuses to remove users who place polarizing, misleading or simply false content.

The Ministry of Digitization has already tried mediation during the blockade in 2016, when accounts of several national and right-wing organizations and activists have been removed. Later in the fall of 2017, he prepared the assumptions of the change to the law on electronic services, according to which Facebook could no longer make an arbitrary decision to block accounts. In addition, the veracity of the information displayed would be governed by 24-hour courts. This year, the creation of a special team to assist any Polish citizen blocked during the mediation with the administrators of the Zuckerberg site started.

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