Facts after facts. Jadwiga Staniszkis on the work of the Sejm and the Senate


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Jadwiga Staniszkis in fact after the facts

– Kaczyński realizes how difficult it is to stop this destructive process without losing his authority. PiS is filled with fear – said Jadwiga Staniszkis in "Facts after Facts" on TVN24. – Everyone thinks of another term. They press the button and do not raise their hand to see who votes and Kaczynski can not see. It's a progressive demoralization, she said.

On Thursday, President Andrzej Duda signed the Fifth Amendment to the laws of the court, including the Supreme Court. The amendment to the law on the Supreme Court had been adopted earlier by the Sejm and the Senate.

Ms. Staniszkis was invited, among others, to a remarkably fast pace of work. "She was delighted with the news of Armenia constitution."

– The State Court is inevitable. I am very surprised President Duda because it is the object of the destruction of the state. He could have stopped it if he had not thought of the second term. This demoralization, which accompanies the violation of the constitution, and which the president is signing, is unacceptable – she declared

Staniszkis: I made a mistake in supporting Duda

– C & # 39; was very sad to have supported him. I told President Komorowski that I had made a big mistake. Komorowski was a more serious and thoughtful president – she felt.

When asked if the Senate's rejection of the president's referendum request was his defeat, she replied that it was a "coup de boutoir"

. "It shows him where he is, but it has encouraged him to help PiS do what he does." I do not understand that.


  Staniszkis: Everyone thinks of the following term "width =" 640 "height =" 360 "class =" lazy lazy with withdrawal "

Video : tvn24
Staniszkis: everyone thinks of another term

"The PiS is ruled by fear"

Staniszkis As to whether Jaroslaw Kaczynski continues to speak and to decide in the ranks of law and justice, she responds that after the death of his brother, he was a "desperate man."

– He realizes how difficult it is to stop this process destructive without losing his authority. PiS is filled with fear. I watched in horror the vote in the Sejm, where he said: press the button and raise your hand, and these "PiS-iacy" did not raise their hand, people did not see if they were behind or Kaczynski or others could not see that they were against – she said Staniszkis.

– These are above all their complexes and their frustrations. Such people are not able to govern well, because fear is a very bad counselor, and in them you can feel it. With this attitude towards the state, it will work badly – she estimated –

According to her, "such a fear is a withdrawal into the atmosphere of communism"

] – If you say that communists are kidnapped and that Bolshevik methods are used authoritarian anarchism, it is pathetic and absurd. We do not realize how intimidated people are in small towns, "she said.

What should the opposition do now and what is its role?

– But they should unite, especially these small groups. Nowoczesna, Platforma, Kukiz [’15 – przyp.red.] – Staniszkis calculated. – They are all tired of all this. I am surprised that the situation of the opposition is so bad with such dramatic processes. All this is very sad.


Video: tvn24
"I am surprised that the position of the opposition is so bad with such dramatic processes"

Author: akw / tr
Source: tvn24

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